Levi's Mitzvah Project

March 1, 2017 @ 12:00PM — April 30, 2017 @ 12:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Read below to hear why Levi wants to raise money to help Chambliss Center for Children care for hundreds of children! Choose one of the donation options below or click on "donate" in the bottom right corner of the page to give an amount of your choosing.

Levi's Mitzvah Project image

Join Levi in supporting Chambliss Center for Children!

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Hi, I'm Levi, and I volunteer at the Chambliss Center for Children in the night dismissal room once a week. The reason I am doing this is because I am about to have my bar mitzvah. A bar mitzvah is when a Jewish boy turns thirteen and officially becomes a Jewish man. One of the core Jewish values is tikkun olam, which means repairing the world. As part of this commitment I have been volunteering at Chambliss since last September and instead of receiving gifts for my bar mitzvah, I am asking that my family and friends consider making a donation to help support the amazing work that Chambliss does. Thank you!

To learn more about Chambliss Center for Children, visit www.ChamblissCenter.org.